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 T5 Collection || Portugal

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4 participants
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T5 Collection || Portugal - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: T5 Collection || Portugal   T5 Collection || Portugal - Page 2 Empty20/11/2019, 21:57

wha seriously ?! you never stop with prototype ?! Laughing
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T5 Collection || Portugal - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: T5 Collection || Portugal   T5 Collection || Portugal - Page 2 Empty27/11/2019, 03:41

Never! bounce Here to stay! You have some friends in France in this group with prototypes, but they won't sell No
You have no idea what's coming....... Something you will only see once in life Cool
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Messages : 2921

T5 Collection || Portugal - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: T5 Collection || Portugal   T5 Collection || Portugal - Page 2 Empty23/12/2019, 21:25

oh show me ! Very Happy
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T5 Collection || Portugal - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: T5 Collection || Portugal   T5 Collection || Portugal - Page 2 Empty24/12/2019, 00:45

kaneda a écrit:
oh show me ! Very Happy
Do you know about a cancelled Halo 2 figure called the Heretic Grunt?  Basketball
In case you don't... only 2 of those figures exist. One painted but broken, owned by one of the top Halo prototype collectors in the world and one Unpainted, all white, I don't know who owns that one... Well, I have a piece of resin from that figure. His head, a Resin Model of that heretic grunt's head. As far as I know I'm the only one to own such a thing.. cheers I know some people that would kill for getting hands on this Cool
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T5 Collection || Portugal
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